Monday, September 26, 2011

Double Trouble

 I always thought that the good lord had a sense of humor and now I'm definitely sure of it.

It wasn't long after we found out we were pregnant that I started to show. I thought that it might be a little early (6 weeks) to have a beginning baby bump, but hey, everyone is different right? My sister gave birth to 9lb+ babies. At our 8 week appointment, our doctor confirmed what I had been speculating...."It's Twins!" she said calmly. Chad, who had parked himself far away from me and my feet in the stir-ups jumped out of his chair. I always thought that when this moment came I would cry, jump for joy (not literally... still in stir-ups) or at least have a comment... but the only thing that came to my mind to say was, "Will you please make sure there is only two?" - who says that?!

At our 19 week ultrasound we got the best possible news. Two healthy babies, one boy and one girl. My mother said growing up that I wasn't the most efficient person... guess I showed her.

So here is my attempt at a blog. It will more than likely turn into an online photo-album with captions than an actual blog. I'm thinking of asking Nicole Lindquist to be my ghost writer. Anyway, here are some pictures of my sweet little nuggets as well as my ever growing tummy and the nursery (it's still a work in progress). Enjoy!
10 weeks

12 weeks

16 weeks

Jungle Theme - mural to be added

It's a girl!!

Girl Profile

It's a boy!!!

Baby Boy

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