Saturday, November 12, 2011


28 weeks
I jinxed myself. Whenever anyone asked the question, "How are you feeling?"

I always replied with "great" or "so far so good!" ... but around week 25 I started having a feeling that I will call 'tightening' followed by fatigue. I just thought I was approaching that 3rd trimester and all that goes with it and continued on with working and regular activities. Finally after having several of these pains throughout a 3 hour period (several meaning more than 15), I decided that I might want to go have things checked out. So Chad and I got our own personal tour of Labor and Delivery at North Kansas City.

I was having contractions (glad to know I'm not crazy) and they did a variety of tests, gave me some drugs to stop the contractions and allowed me to go home after monitoring me for a few hours. My doctor wasn't real thrilled with me going back to Omaha for my baby shower (babies shower?), but she allowed me to go as long as I was on "bed-rest" for the weekend. Apparently she is unaware of my adhd and my inability to sit still.

The baby shower was a success. My crazy organized sister and several friends threw me an amazing shower. I was forced to sit in a recliner and my niece Avery opened most of my gifts. I definitely feel very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.
Jungle Diaper Cake
Opening some gifts

Ave and I doing a little belly comparison